Thursday, April 21, 2011

models: Lymphatic System

Lymph node model: Axillary, inguinal, + cervical lymph node areas

Tonsils: Pharyngeal (back of throat), palatine (soft pallet), lingual (back of tongue), + tubal (pharynx) tonsils

slides: Reproductive System

ovary- not a human ovary bc there is more than one maturing follicle, mature follicle (right), egg (in middle of follicle)

testes- seminiferous tubules, CT inbtwn is where the intersticial tubules cells are

clearer testes- seminiferous tubules, inside the lumen of the tubules are developing sperm, interstitial cell (inbtwn the tubules hard to see)

close up detail of an interstitial tubule- walls of tubule, lumen (sperm production)





slides: Endocrine System

Pituitary gland- neurohypophysis (left; axons) posterior, adrenohypophysis (right dark purple; cells) anterior

Pituitary Gland- top= Anterior Part ("Adrenohypophysis"), bottom= Posterior Part ("Neurohypophysis")

Thyroid gland w/ follicles (filled with colloid)- T-thyrocytes encircle follicle (make thyroxine), C-thyrocytes (make calcitonin) inbtwn follicles, blood vessel (big upper left), capillary (right)
*only gland that stores products outside 

Pancreatic tissue- acinar cells (majority of cells), pancreatic islet of langerhan (upper middle light stained), artereol (right red stained) with blood cells,  

"just for fun"...
duct in pancreatic tissue- simple cuboidal epith lining inside walls Islets of langerhan, acinar cells  
*both exocrine (acinar cells) and endocrine (islets of langerhans) "pockets"

pancreas w/ duct

classic duct 

models: Endocrine System

Endocrine Baby: upper green= thyroid, red=thymus 

green= small intestine, red= pancreas, yellow= adrenal glands

yellow= adrenal glands

Microscopic structure of Thyroid- blue= follicle with colloid

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

slides: Nervous System

Dorsal Root Ganglion- lots of Satellite Cells, epineurium, adipose

slides: Lymphatic System

Lymph Node: CT capsule w/ collagen fibers, lymph nodule, medulla (middle)

Trabeculae- the little white thing coming in from the right part of slide (part of a lymph node slide)

Monkey Spleen (bad slides prob won't be on exam)- roundish nodules, "white pulp" WBCs, "red pulp"

M.A.L.T. Tonsils- lymphatic nodules (scattered), stratified squamous epithelium (outer layer), crypt (not in slide)

Close up of Tonsil- stratified squamous epithelium (outer layer), lymphatic nodules

Section of small intestine- part of ilium--simple columnar epithelium (outer layer top of slide), villi, lymphatic nodules "peyers patches", 

Lymph vessels w/ valves- one way valves, thin walls, no pumps

Wednesday, April 06, 2011

models: Nervous System

Multipolar Neuron- yellow= myelin sheath, grey=endoneurium 

Ventricles in the brain- lateral ventircles, 3rd ventricle, foramen of monroe, aqueduct of sylvius, 4th ventricle

Spinal Cord-Ventral(motor)/Dorsal(sensory)/Lateral(autonomic) Horns+Roots+Rami (excluding lateral), Dorsal Root Ganglion (unipolar), spinal nerve, columns funiculi, anterior fissure, posterior median sulcus, central canal

model: Special Senses: Eye

Lacrimal gland, superior/inferior rectus, lateral/median rectus, sclera, cornea
Superior Oblique, CNII Optic Nerve

model: Special Senses: Eye

Sclera, cornea, iris, pupil, inferior oblique

model: Special Senses: Eye

Neural Tunic, fovea centralis, suspensory ligaments, ciliary bodies/muscles

model: Special Senses: Ear

Auditory Tube, Stapedius muscle

Oval/round windows, cochlea, semicircular canals, auditory tube

Tympanic membrane, malleus, incus, + stapes

Vestibule, cochlea, semicircular canals, stapes