Sunday, May 01, 2011

slides: Digestive System

Intestine wall- he rotated it twice so that yellow hairs are in bottom right corner, top= surface (crypts) mucosa, epithelium is going up and down, columnar cells line the nook near crypts, lamina propria under mucosa, then submucosa with blood vessels and stuff, pink is muscularis externa circular layer, yellow is longitudinal layer, cells inbtwn the 2 layers are neurons of myentary plexus of averbach, 

Duodenum- mucosa is upper layer with fingers, second layer is submucosa with glands CT, muscularis externa first layer in it is circular layer then longitudinal layer

Salivary Glands (exocrine)- white big circle things are ducts (simp or strat cuboidal, secretory cells (dark= serous cells, lighter= mucous cells)

Closeup- stratified cuboidal around lumen looking things, mucus cells are more mucusy looking inside, serous demilune (middle of slide), vein is the red thing

transition btwn Esoph + Stomach- lumen, mucosa- strat squam and then simple columnar, submucosa, muscularis

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