Wednesday, April 06, 2011


Artery + Vein

Vein + Arteries- erythrocytes (in lumen), adipose
*blood is mostly on venous side

Elastic Artery- (large artery leaving heart- they absorb pressure and expand as ventricles contract), has more elastic fibers, lumen (upper right), wall (where elastic fibers are)

WBC Neutrophil (left), Lymphocytes (right)

Neutrophil (right)... others?

WBC Neutrophils w/ Platelets (little dark dots)

RBC: Erythrocytes- (transports 02, 1/4 billion hemoglobin/cell, no nuclei, no mitochandria)
WBC: Neutrophil- (phagocytes, weird nuclei)

Part of Cochlea- pointer @ Vestibular Membrane, tympanic duct, basilar membrane, organ of corti, spiral ganglion (cell bodies that make up nerves (CNVIII) which carry messages to brain, bone tissue, immogiolus (central stalk that comes up) very far left)

Cochlea- tympanic, cochlear (left bottom), and vestibular ducts (left middle), organ of corti (in btwn), semicircular canal swirls out and back into the upper part of the slide, mogiolus (bony pillar) purple blob going up and into center of slide starting from right bottom corner Cochlear nerve (which meets up with the vestibular)

Node of Ranvier- (PNS) (Schwann Cells), Action potential gets regenerated

Astrocytes- blood vessel (big long dark thing)
*Blood Brain Barrier= highly controlling what can leave brain

Multipolar Neuron

Whole Nerve- (PNS), fascicle (huge triangle things), individual axon (sometimes doughnuts), blood vessels

Spinal Cord- ventral/dorsal horns, columns funiculi

Spinal Cord w/ Dorsal Root Ganglion (unipolar)- central canal

Retina (back of the eye)- CNII, Blind spot

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