Thursday, April 21, 2011

slides: Endocrine System

Pituitary gland- neurohypophysis (left; axons) posterior, adrenohypophysis (right dark purple; cells) anterior

Pituitary Gland- top= Anterior Part ("Adrenohypophysis"), bottom= Posterior Part ("Neurohypophysis")

Thyroid gland w/ follicles (filled with colloid)- T-thyrocytes encircle follicle (make thyroxine), C-thyrocytes (make calcitonin) inbtwn follicles, blood vessel (big upper left), capillary (right)
*only gland that stores products outside 

Pancreatic tissue- acinar cells (majority of cells), pancreatic islet of langerhan (upper middle light stained), artereol (right red stained) with blood cells,  

"just for fun"...
duct in pancreatic tissue- simple cuboidal epith lining inside walls Islets of langerhan, acinar cells  
*both exocrine (acinar cells) and endocrine (islets of langerhans) "pockets"

pancreas w/ duct

classic duct 

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