Tuesday, April 19, 2011

slides: Lymphatic System

Lymph Node: CT capsule w/ collagen fibers, lymph nodule, medulla (middle)

Trabeculae- the little white thing coming in from the right part of slide (part of a lymph node slide)

Monkey Spleen (bad slides prob won't be on exam)- roundish nodules, "white pulp" WBCs, "red pulp"

M.A.L.T. Tonsils- lymphatic nodules (scattered), stratified squamous epithelium (outer layer), crypt (not in slide)

Close up of Tonsil- stratified squamous epithelium (outer layer), lymphatic nodules

Section of small intestine- part of ilium--simple columnar epithelium (outer layer top of slide), villi, lymphatic nodules "peyers patches", 

Lymph vessels w/ valves- one way valves, thin walls, no pumps

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